Customer Service & Policies
Terms & Conditions
Privacy & Copyright
Customer Service & Policies:
1. Customer Service & Assistance
2. Contact Information for Genninger Studio
3. Credit Cards We Accept
4. Mandatory Purchaser Information (MPI)
5. Placing an Order
• How to Order Gift Certificates: 3 Step Process
o Step 1: Fill out and send email “Purchaser Order” with (MPI)
o Step 2: Receive email “Seller Notification of Authorization of Sale”
o Step 3: Receive email “Printable Gift Certificate”
• How to Order Jewelry Items: 5 Step Process
o Step 1: Fill out and send email “Purchaser Order” with (MPI)
o Step 2: Receive email “ Seller Confirmation of Order”
o Step 3: Send email “Purchaser Confirmation Order”
o Step 4: Receive email “Seller Notification of Authorization of Sale”
o Step 5: Receive shipment of goods ordered
6. Pricing
7. Sales Tax
8. Custom Taxes & Duties
9. Shipment Costs & Delivery Times
• Example to USA
• Example to Italy
• Example to Europe
• Example International excluding USA & Europe
10. Cancellations & Refunds
11. Returns & Exchanges
12. Goods Damaged in Shipment
13. Caring for Genninger Studio Jewelry
14. Repairs and Alterations
Terms & Conditions:
15. Governing Law
16. Definition & Interpretations
17. Disclaimers of Warranties
• Human Error
• Product
• Colors
• Size
• Contracts
• Shipment
18. Limitations of Liability
19. Indemnity
Privacy & Copyright
20. Copyrights & Intellectual Property
21. Privacy Policy
Customer Service & Policies
1. Customer Service and Assistance:
- If you have any questions or difficulty placing an order please email us at info@genningerstudio.com or call/fax our studio in Venice at +39-041-5225565 or direct from the USA dial 011-39-041-5225565.
- Hours: Monday thru Friday 10:30a.m. - 6:30p.m. (Italian Time Zone) please note that there is a +6 hour difference from EST USA to Italy.
2. Contact Information for Genninger Studio:
-When in Venice please stop by to visit our new Studio in the heart of Venice, Italy.
-Store Hours: Monday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Sundays from 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.
We are also open by appointment and welcome individuals as well as large and small groups.
-Mailing address:
Genninger Studio
Dorsoduro 364
Campiello Barbaro
30123 Venezia Italia
- Telephone and Fax: +39-041-5225565
- Direct dial from USA: 011-39-041-5225565
3. Credit Cards We Accept:
-Please note that we accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express.
4. Mandatory Purchaser Information: (MPI)
Can be sent by email or fax:
1. Product code numbers that you wish to purchase:
2. *Name of purchaser who must be the credit card (CC) holder:
3. Billing address of purchaser:
4. Credit card Information:
a. CC Name as shown on card:
b. Type of CC:
c. CC number:
d. CC expiration date:
5. Shipment address if different from billing address:
6. Shipment delivery time requirements if any: (See Shipment Costs for approximate costs that may vary due to quantities, weights, and volume. We have provided an example and will send you the correct shipping quote and approximate delivery time when we confirm your order.)
* Important: Please note by sending us the above information for a “Purchaser Order” you warrant that all of the information which you are required to provide when ordering these items is accurate and complete in all respects at the time of the email order and that this information relates to you/the person placing the order and not to any third party. You also warrant that you are at least 18 years of age.
5. Placing an Order:
• How to Order Genninger Studio Gift Certificates:
For a convenient way to shop for the holidays we suggest purchasing “Genninger Studio Gift Certificates.” We will send you a personalized, colorful certificate via email, which you will be able to print and gift in time for the holidays. You will save on shipment costs and provide the receiver with a personalized Venetian shopping experience. The receiver will be able to use their certificate towards the purchase of any items on our web site and towards shipping costs. The certificates will be good for use up to 6 months from purchase date and are not refundable. Follow the following steps: Easy as 1-2-3!!
Step 1: Fill out and send email “Purchaser Order” with (MPI) see above:
-Go to “Shopping” “Gift Certificates” then click on the value of certificate that you would like to order.
-Click ORDER icon and automatic email to info@genningerstudio.com will pop-up.
-Tell us how many certificates and value of each certificate that you would like to order.
-For each certificate please tell us the name of person(s) giving gift if you would like to have the certificate personalized.
-Fill out “Mandatory Purchaser Information” that is listed on the email.
-Send us email.
Step 2: Receive email “Seller Notification of Authorization of Sale”:
-We will send “Seller Confirmation of Authorization” of your credit card for total sales value, via email.
Step 3: Receive email “Printable Gift Certificate”:
-Once we have received authorization from your credit card, we will send to you the personalized, printable certificates via email that the receiver will be able to use towards the purchase of any items on our web site and towards shipping costs.
• How to Order Jewelry Items:
-When Placing an order for any of the items in the “Shopping” section of “Jewelry” please follow the below 4 step process:
Please note that all items will be gift wrapped in a Genninger Studio black and white gift bag with our Logo, and a business card will be included in the packet.
Step 1: Fill out and send email “Purchaser Order” with (MPI) see above:
-Go to “Shopping” -> “Jewelry” -> then choose item.
-In order to purchase an item you must fill out a “Purchaser ORDER” email for each item by clicking on the “ORDER” icon of that item and filling out the “Mandatory Purchaser Information” listed below. The code of the item you would like to purchase will automatically appear in the “subject” area.
-You can send an email for each item that you wish to purchase or you can compile a list of all the items you are interested in purchasing into one email, however you must provide the “Mandatory Purchaser Information” listed below in order for us to confirm your order:
Step 2: Receive email “ Seller Confirmation of Order”:
-When we receive your “Purchaser ORDER” email complete with the “Mandatory Purchaser Information” and listing of item code(s) that you would like to purchase and quantities of each, we will then calculate the total invoice and shipment costs for you and send you a “Seller Confirmation of Order” email.
-We are a small artisan company and will try our best to send this “Seller Confirmation of Order” to you within 3 days of receipt of your “Purchaser Order” email.
Step 3: Send email “Purchaser Confirmation Order”:
-Once you receive our “Seller Confirmation Order” you must send us a “Purchaser Confirmation Order” acknowledging that you agree to the invoice and shipping costs calculated and you authorize us to charge your credit card accordingly.
-We kindly ask that you send this “Purchaser Confirmation Order” within 48 hours of receipt of our “Seller Confirmation Order”, as we prefer to offer to our customers a first-come-first-serve priority and cannot hold items longer than 48 hours.
Step 4: Receive email “Seller Notification of Authorization of Sale”:
-Receive email noting authorization of sale, which we will try to receive from your credit card company within 48 hours of receipt of your “Purchaser Confirmation Order” email. We will also tell you in this email the intended shipment date of the items, and registration number of the shipment.
-This “Seller Notification of Authorization of Sale” will be sent to you once shipment is made.
-Your purchase will not be shipped until authorization from the credit card company is confirmed.
Step 5: Receive shipment of goods ordered
6. Pricing:
-Please note that the prices that we will be charging to your credit card will be in Euro and your credit card company will provide you with a statement of the charge and the applicable exchange rate at the time of the authorization. We have indicated an approximate USA $ exchange rate for each product, however since Genninger Studio is an Italian company we are obligated to charge you in Euro. If applicable, your credit card company will determine the exchange rate on the day your transaction is processed.
7. Sales Tax:
-Prices are inclusive of Italian IVA (Value added tax) and duty free sales are not possible.
8. Custom Taxes & Duties:
-For delivery outside the EU you will be responsible for any custom and duty taxes and handling fees.
-Shipments to European Union countries are duty free.
-Import duties may apply to USA and other non-European Union countries.
9. Shipment Costs & Delivery Times:
- We suggest a “Genninger Studio Gift Certificate” to save on oversea shipment costs and avoid delivery time issues. Go to “Shopping”->“Jewelry”->“Gift Certificates” for information or see above “Ordering Process”.
-We will try to ship jewelry items within 10 business days from receiving authorization for payment from your credit card.
-Larger glass items may take longer than 10 days to leave our premises for shipment, as we will need to receive appropriate shipping materials from our suppliers to insure proper shipping and handling.
-Please note on your “Purchaser ORDER” if you have a rush order or a specific time frame in which the items must arrive to the receiver. We will try to accommodate you the best that we can and will provide a quote to you for the shipping costs according to your needs.
-Unless otherwise requested, all orders will be shipped via registered Raccomandata Italian Post (RAP), which can take approximately 20 days or more to arrive to its destination. We will use this RAP shipping cost on the “Seller Confirmation Order” to calculate your shipping costs in relation to items ordered.
-For rush orders we suggest Fed Ex. If you have an account number with them, you can authorize us to charge your account number. If you do not have an account with them you will be charged at the time of purchase a discounted Fed Ex expedited rate.
-We can also have you authorize us to charge your UPS account.
-Please note that all deliveries will require a signature from a person at least 18 years of age, and a return receipt will be delivered to us confirming delivery date and signature.
-We are not responsible for any delivery delay or non-delivery.
EXAMPLE: Shipping cost and delivery time for purchase of 1-2 flame worked necklaces with matching earrings:
• Example to USA:
-Fed EX expedited service costs approximately Euro 45,00 and delivery time approximately 3-5 business days with signature required upon delivery. For rush orders for the holidays it is suggested a Fed EX shipment or Genninger Studio Gift Certificate.
-Italian Post expedited CAI registered post costs approximately Euro 35,00 and delivery time approximately 7 business days, with signature required upon delivery.
-Italian Post Registered Raccomandata with signature required on delivery and return receipt confirming delivery date and signature costs approximately Euro 15,00 and delivery time takes approximately 20 business days.
• Example to Italy:
-Italian Post expedited CAI registered post costs approximately Euro 25,00 and delivery time approximately 3-4 business days, with signature required upon delivery.
-Italian Post Registered Raccomandata with signed Receipt on delivery and return receipt to Genninger Studio confirming delivery date and signature costs approximately Euro 8,00 and delivery time takes approximately 20 business days.
• Example to Europe excluding Italy:
-Fed EX expedited service costs approximately Euro 45,00 and delivery time approximately 3-5 business days with signature required upon delivery. For rush orders for the holidays it is suggested a Fed EX shipment or printable Genninger Studio Gift Certificate via email.
For rush orders for the holidays it is suggested a Fed EX shipment.
-Italian Post expedited CAI registered post costs approximately Euro 35,00 and delivery time approximately 7 - 10 business days, with signature required upon delivery.
-Italian Post Registered (Raccomandata) with signed Receipt on delivery and return receipt to Genninger Studio confirming delivery date and signature costs approximately Euro 15,00 and delivery time takes approximately 20 business days.
• Example International excluding USA and Europe:
-Fed EX expedited service costs approximately Euro 45,00 and delivery time approximately 3-5 business days with signature required upon delivery. For rush orders for the holidays it is suggested a Fed EX shipment or printable Genninger Studio Gift Certificate via email.
-Italian Post expedited CAI registered post costs approximately Euro 35,00 and delivery time approximately 7- 10 business days, with signature required upon delivery.
-Italian Post Registered (Raccomandata) with signed Receipt on delivery and return receipt to Genninger Studio confirming delivery date and signature costs approximately Euro 15,00 and delivery time takes approximately 20 business days.
10. Cancellation & Refunds
-Only the purchaser who sent the original “Purchaser Confirmation Order” may choose to send a “Notice of Purchaser Cancellation” to info@genningerstudio.com.
- This “Notice of Purchaser Cancellation” must be sent within ten days from the time and date that the “Purchaser Confirmation Order” was originally sent to us via email or fax.
-No refunds to credit cards or cash refund will be made if the “Notice of Purchaser Cancellation” is received after Genninger Studio has shipped the items to the purchaser or the address that the purchaser indicated on the “Purchaser Order”. In this case, only a store credit or credit for web site items will be given. This credit will be good for up to 6 months from date of the original “Purchaser Confirmation Order” date.
-In case the “Notice of Purchaser Cancellation” is received from purchaser after items have been shipped by Genninger Studio, the purchaser will be responsible for all shipment costs and any additional shipment, customs, duties, and handling charges that may occur to return the cancelled order to Genninger Studio at their Italian address, via registered shipment with required signature of receipt. It must be accompanied by a (ROAN).
-No shipment or items that need to be returned to Genninger Studio in Italy will be received or accepted by Genninger Studio if a “Return Order Authorization Number” (ROAN) has not been assigned to the purchaser for returning items. All above said charges will be deducted from store/web site credit due the purchaser.
-Purchaser will not be allowed to use the store/web site credit until all items are returned in satisfactory condition to Genninger Studio.
-If returned item is damaged in return shipment, the purchaser will be responsible for payment of repair of item, if repair is deemed possible by us. If repair is deemed not possible then purchaser will be charged for the total invoice value of the item, including shipment and any tax and duty costs.
--Please email us at info@genningerstudio.com or call us at +39-041-5225565 during customer service hours to arrange receipt of a “Return Authorization Order Number” (ROAN).
11. Returns & Exchanges:
-Only the purchaser who sent the original “Purchaser Confirmation Order” may choose to send a “Notice of Return Request” to info@genningerstudio.com.
-This “Notice of Return Request” must be sent within ten days from the time and date that shipment was received.
-No refunds to credit cards or cash payment will be made on any returns or exchanges, and only a store credit or credit for web site items will be given.
-This store or web site credit will be good for up to 6 months from date of the original “Purchaser Confirmation Order” date.
- We will only accept returns and exchanges if you have received from us a ”Return Order Authorization Number” (ROAN). No returns or exchanges will be given without a (ROAN). You must request a (ROAN) within 10 days of receipt of item.
-All returns and exchanges must be mailed back to us within ten days of “Date of Receipt” of item. Purchaser will be responsibility for all return shipping costs customs, duties, and handling charges that may occur in order to return the items to Genninger Studio at their Italian address, via registered shipment which should require a signature upon receipt.
-Should Genninger Studio incur any costs upon receiving the returned items then these costs will be deducted from store/web site credit due the purchaser.
-The (ROAN) number must appear on the outside of the box in order for Genninger Studio to receive the shipment.
-Purchaser will not be allowed to use the store/web site credit until all items are returned in satisfactory condition to Genninger Studio.
- Returned items should include the original packaging and be in the same condition as when it was received.
-All returned items must have the plastic Logo tag attached to items as when originally sent, as used merchandise cannot be returned and all items will be subject to a quality control check before any store credit or web site credit is authorized by Genninger Studio.
-If returned item is damaged in return shipment, the purchaser will be responsible for payment of repair of item by Genninger Studio if repair is deemed possible by us. If repair is not deemed possible then purchaser will be responsible for the total invoice value of the item, including shipment.
-For your protection, we suggest that you send all returns insured via Fed Ex in the original packaging with receipts or in a hard walled box and with the (ROAN) number written on the outside of the box.
-Please email us at info@genningerstudio.com or call us at +39-041-5225565 during customer service hours to arrange receipt of a (ROAN).
12. Goods damaged in Shipment:
– Please report any damages which incurred in shipment within 3 days of receipt of items. Communication must be made by fax or email to info@genningerstudio.com. Once we receive your “Shipment Damage Report” we will issue you with a Return Order Authorization Number (ROAN) and email you with instructions on how to return the damaged item to us.
-No items will be received by us without a (ROAN).
-Please see “Returns and Exchanges” above for details.
13. Caring for Genninger Studio Jewelry:
-We suggest that you care for Genninger Studio Jewelry as you would care for fine pearls.
-When not wearing them they should be in our soft, embossed Genninger Studio bags that you will receive with each item. Otherwise, they should be kept separate from any chains or heavy jewelry that might scratch or damage them.
-We suggest that you should put your jewelry on after you have applied any perfume and have allowed it to evaporate a bit.
-You should not wear Genninger Studio jewelry in the shower or in chlorinated pools or seawater.
-We are not responsible for any wear and tear and accidental damage or failure by you or by any third party to adhere to any written recommendations provided in relation to the goods.
14. Repairs & Alterations:
– Should any repair be needed please contact us to report repair needs and we will then issue you a “Return Order Authorization Number” (ROAN). Please see above “Returns & Exchanges” for more details.
-Purchaser will be responsible for shipping costs and any custom and duty taxes that may be incurred by Genninger Studio in receiving the items to be repaired.
Charges for repairs may apply, and if so you will be notified by email prior to the repair of the item.
Terms & Conditions
15. Governing Law:
- The owner of this “web site” or “site” meaning www.genningerstudio.com is Genninger Studio, owned by Leslie Ann Genninger and is a registered Italian company number VE-1998-43139 with Partita Iva 03071690279. By using this website you agree to be legally bound by our Terms & Conditions and by all other applicable provisions, and that any legal disputes between these two parties will be determined in Italy by Italian jurisdiction in the Tribunal system of Venice. The contracts from this site are covered by the Italian law and are restricted by the decree n. 185 dated May 22,1999, in order to safeguard the consumers in the matter of the sales by correspondence.
16. Definitions & Interpretations:
- This document sets forth the terms and conditions under which “you”, the user and/or purchaser of goods from Genninger Studio may access this web site. Reference to “we” or “us” is a reference to Genninger Studio.
- Reference to “contract” means the contract between us for the sale and purchase of the goods that incorporates these Terms & Conditions. “Goods” or “product” means all product images featured on this website which are for sale and also images of products not currently available for sale but featured in the many photos and images of our studio in Venice, Italy. “Terms” means these terms and conditions. "Laws on the Exports" indicate all the laws, the regulations of the United States, of the European Union and Italian Republic applicable in matter of exports of the product. "Invoice" or “Fattura” indicates the invoice that we send to you confirming your “order” and itemizing the various product costs, sales taxes and shipping and handling fees. "Order" indicates your order in compliance with the present Terms and Conditions. "Work day" indicates Monday through Friday and does not include Saturday, Sunday or a festival and national holidays in both Italy and the United States.
- These Terms are the only terms and conditions on which we contract for the sale of Goods and they form an integral part of the Contract between us. If we agree to vary any of the terms, the variation must be in writing confirmed by our duly authorized representatives and by you. If you disagree with our terms and or with any other of the applicable provisions, you are not permitted to use this website.
- By using this web site you agree that you will not impersonate or misrepresent your identity while requesting order information, product information, cost information and you also agree not to contract or order for the purpose of copying product and design, or for resale of the products.
17. Disclaimers of Warranties:
- We have tried to accurately depict all of our products on this web site, however by using the site you acknowledge and agree that your use of this site is subject to the following limitations of liability and disclaimers:
• Human Error: We have tried to provide the most accurate and complete information to you on this site however we acknowledge that there may be some inaccuracies due to human or technical error. -We reserve the right to make changes to product descriptions, pricing, availability, quantity of item offered for sale whether one of a kind, unique piece or limited editions and unlimited editions. We also reserve the right to change photographs of items and other inaccuracies or omissions at any time without prior notice, even after an order has been confirmed by us.
• Product: Given that our products are hand-made and formed without the use of molds, stamps and mass production processes there will be imperfections in color, shape, size, look, etc. When we use 24K gold leaf and silver leaf in and on the glass there is always a change of leaf pattern and color due to the layout of the leaf work or variations in the glass temperatures during the hot work blowing and flame working process. Air bubbles can get trapped into the glass during these processes and glass crystal elements and debris can also become trapped into the glass during these Murano glass blowing techniques. It is a natural part of the human process of creating the beads and glass products by hand. Your use of this site acknowledges that these imperfections are a part of these artisan glass processes and do not constitute a defect in the product. -Although we use only artesian glass from Murano and design and work closely with a variety of Murano Glass masters we cannot guarantee that every single bead that we have incorporated into our designs is made on Murano and is made in the artisan way.
• Colors: Colors of the products may vary from actual colors. We have tried to photograph and describe the colors for each of our products, yet there may be variations due to computer monitor changes, various photographic lighting changes, Photo program adjustments, etc. Given this, you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any color variations in the products that you purchase from the site.
• Size: Size of the images of earrings, beads, and other items are not to scale and may appear larger or smaller than actual size so we have provided approximate measurement indicators in both centimeters and inches to help you understand the size of the item. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the measurement indicators.
• Contracts: Eventual invalidity or inefficiency of one or more contractual clause will not affect the validity or effectiveness of the other contractual clauses. We reserve the right to cancel any order and contract at any time without prior notice.
• Shipments: We are not responsible for any delivery delay or non-delivery of goods.
18. Limitations of Liabilities:
We make no warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either implied or expressed with respect to our website and it’s content and the information found on it as it may contain faults.
19. Indemnity:
You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Leslie Ann Genninger and Genninger Studio and all of its employees, associates and suppliers from any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs, demands, attorney fees, made by any third party arising out of or relating to your use of our web site, our products, your purchases and your violation of these Terms of Use.
Privacy & Copyright
20. Copyrights & Intellectual Property:
-You agree and acknowledge that any intellectual property displayed on our site, including but not limited to our jewelry, beads, chandeliers, cesendello, mirrors, goblets, chalices, vase, vessels, sculpture, logo, graphics, text, comments, descriptions, images and other information is the sole and exclusive intellectual property of Leslie Ann Genninger and Genninger Studio and shall not be copied, used, displayed, sold or otherwise distributed without our express written consent. We hereby grant you a permission to access and use our site solely in accordance with these terms and conditions. Any other information on our site is provided solely for your personal use and not for commercial use, including purchase of product unless you are authorized to do so solely with our written specific consent.
21. Privacy Policy:
With reference to Italian Law DLG 196/2003 art 13 and article 10 of law 675/96 the purchaser’s personal data collected will only be used by Genninger Studio to process the purchase and delivery of purchaser’s goods. We will not forward the purchaser’s information to any other third party (other than for purchase and delivery requirements or for having to prove a transaction or other obligation of the purchaser).
We may use your information to keep you informed of the status of your order and to keep you informed as to new developments on our web site and new product launches and promotions. This privacy policy may be updated from time and new modifications may be added. If you have any questions as to the privacy policy, please contact us at info@genningerstudio.com.
-Holder of personal data is:
Genninger Studio Dorsoduro 364 Cap30123 Venice,Italy
-If you have any questions please email us at info@genningerstudio.com
Genninger Studio 2012© All rights reserved
P.Iva 03071690279